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“I’ve always said that I’ll never put anything between my guitar and amp -  TwinStomp just broke that habit, with their amazing pedals.”
John Verity

“Just wanted to let you know that TwinStomp Booster works really fine, I feel satisfied indeed. With my Gibson SG guitar and amp Fender Blues Junior III I get a real nice, full, powerful and  transparent tone. That’s a lot better sound than I used to have with other  effects and amps.”
Adam Bajkowski, Warsaw

"I love my TwinStomp Booster  and can’t wait to hear the Overdrive."

Martin Lappin, The Real People

“As expected, the pedal sounds spectacular through my 100W Mesa Boogie stack. Gone are my old compressor and overdrive pedal  - both of which were boutique and sounded great but... “Never had as many positive complements on my tone. Once again, big thanks guys.”
Dave Bell

“Really good to meet you at Sunday’s Leeds/Bradford guitar show.  Very impressed with the standard of service, information supplied and general good old customer service you all provided.  If only all suppliers offered this standard of service. Thank you. And now onto the TwinStomp pedal I bought... To be honest, I had some reservations that the Booster pedal  would be capable of providing the same pushed dynamics at sensible levels  through higher wattage amps than the ones you had at the demo but, boy was I wrong!  These things are absolutely superb.

"I have only used it at rehearsals via my 35W Mesa Boogie Maverick combo but it really does make the amp sit up and sing. Great clean boost, great dirty boost and awesome when pushed into a lovely creamy sustain by a decent overdrive pedal.

"Can’t wait to see the reaction I get at this Saturdays gig when I  run it through my 100W Mesa Boogie Stiletto stack.  My only reservation in all this is that I didn’t buy one sooner!”
Dave Bell

“I love this pedal  (TwinStomp BOOSTER purchased Nov 2008) Please don’t ever consider compromising on the quality of your products to reduce cost, I think people  would rather pay that little bit more knowing they are getting a product that will last for many many years and still look as good as the day it came  out of the box. I’m  glad to say I’m still using your booster for all my gigs, and haven’t had to  change the battery yet! It’s great for lifting the volume to boost solos  whilst leaving the original tone untouched, I’ve even considered purchasing  a second from you just in case this one should break down, not that I think  it ever will coz it’s built like a bloody tank!  Keep up the good work.”
Terry Jones


“I thought that I should drop you a line just to say that I can’t believe  how good your S21 Overdrive pedal is. Firstly it is totally free from unwanted noise and secondly it just takes the guitar’s own tone and without any reduction in quality it adds whatever amount of overdrive you want to dial in to that tone. I was blown away! I have coupled it to your TwinStomp Active AB-Y  switcher and I can move between amps, again without noise, going from slightly edgy clean tones through a Fender Twin to beautiful organic overdrive through my Two Rock. Well done, again.”
Steve Darling

“I finally hooked my TwinStomp ACTIVE AB-Y pedal up today.   It’s absolutely great.  No hum or buzz when it is engaged, equal power to both amplifiers, and no distortion of the guitar signal.  The materials and workmanship are both first rate.  It’s better than  advertised.  I am honoured to have the first such pedal in California,  USA, and would be more than happy to give your products a very hearty endorsement to other interested parties.  Thanks again.”
Gary Smith


My excellent S21 purchase today!


I bought one of your S21Overdrive at the Bristol Guitar Show today (14/4/2024) … and just want to say a big thanks!

It’s often slightly tricky getting a complete measure of kit at a show with all the extra noise going on, but plugging the S21 in I when got home really showed it off. Both my Strat and PRS sound great through it.

It’s not just the tone that is impressive, but the response and articulation of notes too. And the flexibility of how to use it is also great – either treating it as two separate levels of gain or balancing the gain between the two channels and using one as a treble boost. I can see I’m going to have lots of fun playing with this.

I’ve been searching for an overdrive pedal like this for ages so it is a massive thumbs up from me.


Jamie Worsfold

As a session pedal steel guitarist I am being called upon more and more to put overdriven steel on tracks especially for younger artists. It needs an exceptional pedal to work on steel guitar and the TwinStomp ticks all the boxes and much more."

Maurice Hipkiss


​"As soon as I got home I plugged it in and there was that lovely sound!  It's amazing how dynamic the pedal is, giving you so many options with such simplicity.  Perfect for me.

"I gigged it for the first time the other day and have to say the sound of my rig was at its best.  I also simplified my board so I don't have to lug around as much, to the point where I've gone from 6-7 pedals to a tuner, a Carbon Copy Delay and the TwinStomp!  Sounds fab!  Very happy customer!"

James Woodcock, BetweenKites

​“I was holding out on giving my feedback on it until I’d gigged with it.... what a great sounding overdrive! Must’ve been the first gig I’ve done where the audience were leaning over the monitors to see what I was using.

"The Red channel OD is perfectly voiced for solos.  I really enjoyed having  the option of two different drives in the same box.  It’s also easy to use,  a must when singing and playing at the same time.”
James Deane

“I can massively recommend the S21 Overdrive pedal to everyone.  Had one for a  while now and use it for everything.  When I go out with my band I have my tele running through it and I get two great solo drive sounds.  With Saint Jude I have my 335 through it for heavy slide riffs and it does the exact job I need it to. Great pedal and solid as hell.  I defy anyone to break it!  I only meant to recommend it but it seems I have written a review!”
Marcus Bonfanti

“Got the S21 in the  post this morning, since then I have been pushing it through my Marshall Class 5 combo... It is excellent - really pleased. Best OD pedal I have had, and I have pretty much had most of  them...”
Paul Bonnett


“Just a quick note to  say tried the TwinStomp S21 OD at a rehearsal last night and it’s amazing, best I’ve ever heard and I’ve had most of ‘em - original orange Ibanez ODs, Ts-808s, TS-9s, Keeleys, Boss and Visual Sound Double Trouble – it does actually sound like my guitar rather than the pedal, a more organic sound if that’s the right word. I used my old trusty Gretsch Silver Jet through my late 70s Park 50w Lead 1x12 combo and  extension cab, and through my early 80s Marshall JCM 800 50w 2x12 combo and both sound fantastic. Love the easy battery access as well – nice one!”

Jon Howard

“Really happy with my S21 OVERDRIVE.  A great overdrive that keeps the original guitar sound, enhancing rather than completely changing.”
Martin Lappin, The Real People





CR10 OD-Boost

"This pedal is amazing! I am loving it. It's cool how many sounds you can get from this pedal. Love the boost feature as well, makes a huge difference with the overdrive's feel and tone. I'm always looking for the right OD/Boost. I have tried all the overdrive pedals out there and now, by far, this is my fav! It has such a clear real tube like overdrive and the boost is crazy good. Sounds awesome with humbuckers and single coils. This is a secret weapon for sure. It will now be used live and on our next record in March. I am stoked!”

Darren Glover, Flash Lightnin'

HR5 OD-Boost

Message: Hi Clive I thought I would drop you a line to say that I FINALLY had a chance to gig the HR5 I bought from you 6 months ago? At lower volumes I thought the pedal was good but maybe a little "bright". However, at decent gigging volume last night with the following chain (Orange OR15...Marshall 2x12...HR5) I was stunned by how good the pedal was!!! I've tended to use my Mk1 Marshall Guvnor when gigging, a fantastic pedal, however the HR5 is on the same board. I A/B'd the two pedals and couldn't believe how much more the HR5 cut through the mix...stunning!! Guvnor stayed OFF all gig. Four gigs in next 5 weeks will be even more enjoyable I reckon🤣🤣

Gary Weatherburn PV-77

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